
Showing posts from June, 2010

What's so great about mainstream?

Reggie on Late Night.

Game Sugar's sweet Conduit 2 covereage

Back to reality

Quick thought on the 3DS Developer interviews

He's got your number, now!

Quickies: A little background info on The Third Birthday

Konami is experiencing technical difficulties. please stand by.

Quickies: Morgan Webb is too cool for school

Sony's press conference... aka "Talk is cheap"

Nintendo's Conference... holy crap!

Metal Gear Solid: Rising trailer

Multiplayer Castlevania heading to XBLA

Quickies: Slim is in. MS no longer making standard 360s

Ubisoft's conference was ok.. well what I could see of it

EA to rename their comapny to "That Shooter Place"

Quickies: The Xbox slim could be priced at 300 dollars?

Microsoft E3 conference... welll.. it's a conference.

D-toid's Jim Sterling declairs "Jihad" on Kinect

Microsoft shot first... could be a misfire

Red Dead Redemption - Bird People Glitch

Quickies: Morgan Webb thinks Super Mario Galaxy 2 is too cartoony.