NEWS | Thoughts on the "Queer" Peter Parker nonsense.


A couple of week ago, I proposed a question on Twitter;  What kind of stories can you tell with a gay Peter Parker that you failed to or couldn't tell with Northstar, America Chavez, Bobby Drake, or any of the other gay characters that already exist in the Marvel Universe.  I proposed this question mainly because I don't see a legitimate reason for wanting Peter Parker to be forced into being gay, when those other characters and Miles Morales, who is canonically Bisexual, are already there. 

Or is the reason because this is Marvel's flagship character, and a bunch of hack writers who can't create compelling characters or compelling storylines, are just using this as additional clout for their own personal and political agendas?  It's very well known that the latter is definitely the case, especially when you have evidence proving that writers will purposely use entertainment as a vehicle to push propaganda. 

At this point, it's pretty much a lost cause trying to prevent this from happening in Marvel Comics. The entire industry is a lost cause in itself, but that isn't going to stop me from using logic and reason to explain why this is just another power move in an already converged industry.

- I'll see you next Bossfight!


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