Nintendo Labo unlocks another childhood flashback of mine...


So I wake up to this, only a few minutes ago.... And I have to say. This is actually pretty cool!

 Nintendo is out here, creating a means for kids to both enjoy video games and be creative at the same time. that's freaking awesome! Not to mention the fact that it encourages kids to understand concepts of engineering and design while having fun. Also keep in mind that unlike most of the STEM related products that have been gracing the Toy aisle, this is also aimed at both boys and girls, instead of solely for one and not the other (which is the way this should have been in the first place! If we're teaching kids engineering,  it's only logical to be teaching both sexes! much like we used to, back in the day.).

The best part is, It reminds me of the paper-craft books I used to buy from the book fair as a kid that would tech you how to make monsters and robots. Kids are naturally curious, and this is just fueling a means for them to be entertained and to learn at the same time.  Damn, this is smart. right down to the newly coined term "Toy-con", which calls back to Nintendo's pre-video game days, when they were selling the Ultra-Hand and converting old bowling alleys into light gun arcades.  I'm sure the price will be a little much for multiple kits, and all, but that's about the same for all the STEM toys that are trending now ( I mean. 40 bucks for a pixel programmable purse? seriously? ). We should keep watching to see how this turns out,

But seriously, how cool is that?

- I'll see you next Bossfight!


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