I want Catherine's Bloodborne fighter concept to be real!!

Rockaway Carter retweeted this, earlier today, and the moment I saw it  I got hyped!! This seems to be a work in progress by Catherine aka @_einzbern on twitter. Basically it's a character screen for a concept Bloodborne fighting game with an aesthetic closer to The Last Blade / Last Blade 2.  The use of color and design, despite Bloodborne's monochromatic color scheme, is pretty incredible, and makes the designs still manage to be eye catching while being as close to the source material as possible.

Catherine's Tumblr, has additional animations of both Father Gascoigne and Gehrman, and they too,  look fantastic! So if you have the time, please head over there and check them out.  If you're wondering if a full-on game will happen; It looks like she's currently just doing these for fun. However, I'm sure if circumstances change I and other fans of the Soulsborne games will definitely be there to play it.

Hell, that would make a fantastic Saturday Bosscade!!

- I'll See you next Bossfight!


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