Boss Rush: Everything that's wrong with everything.

Boss Rush: Everything that's wrong with everything.
Source(s): Mashable

I was doing my daily Facebook routine, when I came across a Mashable article with this image in particular and the header "This shows everything that's wrong with booth babes at CES". I have in the past talked about exploitation, more notably, that exploitation happens to both sexes despite the outrage of one being more vocal than the other, but apparently the thing that seems even more interesting, in this aspect, is of course the reactions to these posts, which are in fact part of the problem of things of this nature.

When pices like this are posted, the article is intentionally skewed to show a particular veiwpoint. Like "Puppies are cute, blah blah blah, here are some images of cute puppies", and of course the target audience will respond appropriately (or create lolpup memes and such). In this instance, the viewpoint is that trade shows will put women in deplorable conditions to sell wares. The responses, are somewhere between apologetic, to downright backwards logic. It's amusing that the display, while unknown as to how it ties into the product, seems more artistic and alluring than the actual product they're displaying for. Yet, the actual image of this "deplorable act" was being posted exploited for the sake of page hits and causing the a controversial storm of comments. Would that be considered reverse exploitation?

While i'm on the subject, Body painting isn't exploitation; It's a renowned art form that is taken very seriously by both models and artists, alike. This display, in question, is probably more tasteful than say - the display of an E3 booth, and the models themselves have a more artistic look about them than the usual scantily clad girls that are hovering around to peddle wares.

And yet, I'm finding less interest in the article itself, and more interest in the comments section, which displays both an interesting dialogue between people and a slight misguidance on who exactly is being exploited in this case. I think savvy posters like Pat May have a better grasp on what's going on then most people realize. You can look at something from the surface and just see it as one thing and cast it off as such, your you can actually dig deeper, and actually think through to the root of the matter. That is the cornerstone of what makes good blogging and reporting.

Game On!


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