Quickies: Sonic 4's mine car hijinks

Sonic 4's mine car hijinks 
Source(s): Nintendo Everything

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

I don't know if  my growing ability to not know if want is because of the wonky design or the lack of skill on the player's part. Either way, that stage looks like it would pretty much be compared to going top speed in a exotic car then abruptly hitting a wild cinder block factory that in pokemon-like quality has randomly appeared in your path.

Just as a light critique; having a game play one way and then having the mechanics change completely seems like it would take the player out of the game to me. If it were just Sonic running around the stage then hopping in a mine car and using some sort of tilting mechanic to move it then yeah, but the rotation looks way too loose to me, and not really as fun as it would seem to be in theory. However, I can't tell you how the game plays due to it not being out yet, I can only watch in horror as the player in this video awkwardly navigates this stage. Maybe it's fun to play, maybe it plays just like it looks.. Either way this isn't making the sonic cycle look any less accurate.


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