Noitu Love 2 heading for Wiiware! That's what the hell i'm talking about!

For the most part, this news has slipped under the radar for everyone else, but for fans of the PC version like me, this might be the best news I've heard all day!! Noitu Love 2  will be making it's way onto the Wiiware service through a collaboration between Joakim Sandberg (Konjak to his fans) and Golgoth Studio, who was perviously working on a remake to the retro platformer, Toki.

Why should anyone care about this? Well only because Noitu Love 2 is a damn good side scrolling platforming beat-em-up that's pretty much in the same vein as Treasure classics Gunstar Heroes and Mischief Makers. The levels are frantic, the bossfights are plentiful, and the visuals are just flat out awesome! NL2 also features a point and click control feature for targeting enemies and dash attacks. It's different, but it doesn't take long to get the hang of, and would make a lovely transition to the Wii's control scheme (I  could easily see myself playing the game holding the Wiimote in one hand and pressing the A  and B buttons to perform the various tasks ). 

Personally I've been saying that Noitu Love 2 needs to be on Wiiware for a good couple of years now , but finding out about this makes me smile. I have to agree with one of the posters  in the Joystiq article comments when he says that he wishes he could high-five the entire internet in reading this news.

Source(s): Konjack , Golgoth Studio, Joystiq


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